- Ayurveda, Gastrointestinal
Kamadugha Ras
- ₹69.00
- It is used in treating gastritis and bleeding diseases. It is used in Ayurvedic treatment of Gastritis, diarrhea with blood discharge and diabetes. It is used to treat female complaints such as leucorrhea, heavy menstrual bleeding. It also helps to relive symptoms associated with burning sensation in palms and soles.
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- Ayurveda, Musculoskeletal
Karpasasthyadi Thaila
- ₹130.00
- Nagarjuna Kaarppaasaastthyaadi Thailam Karpasasthyadi Thailam, herbal oil preparation. Karpasa asthi means cotton seed, is the ingredient of this prepatration. Usage: Used externally, for application,dhara, basti purposes. In hemiplegia, paralysis, vata rogas. Used orally in a very small quantity about5-10ml, but under physician's advise.
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- Ayurveda, Musculoskeletal
Karpooradi Thailam 200ml
- ₹140.00
- Pack Of - 1 Quantity - 200ml Container Type - Bottle Product Type - Ayurvedic Formulation Ideal For - Adults Skin Type - All Product Information - Nagarjuna Ayurveda Karpooraadi Thailam is unique oil for external application to relieve pain, inflammation and cramps. The oil provides instant relief from pain caused due to blunt injuries, arthritis and other chronic as well as acute disorders. If applied to…
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- Ayurveda, Paediatric
Kerala Ayurveda Balakalpam Tonic
- ₹160.00
- Balakalpam helps to fight against most of the common illnesses such as fever and cold, improves appetite and promotes growth. It also provides relief from common infantile problems such as abdominal pain, colic spasm, regurgitation, constipation, fever, cold, worms and diarrhoea.
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- Ayurveda, Musculoskeletal
Kerala Ayurveda Mahanarayana Thailam 200ml
- ₹270.00
- Nagarjuna Mahanarayana Thailam is an ayurvedic medicine that is primarily used for the treatment of Arthritis, Back Pain, Osteoarthritis, Neck Pain, Antioxidant, Muscle Ache. The key ingredients of Nagarjuna Mahanarayana Thailam are Ashwagandha, Bael , Turmeric, Sesame Oil. The correct dosage of Nagarjuna Mahanarayana Thailam depends on the patient's age, gender, and medical history. No side effects of Mahanarayana Thailam…
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