Kamadugha Ras


It is used in treating gastritis and bleeding diseases. It is used in Ayurvedic treatment of Gastritis, diarrhea with blood discharge and diabetes. It is used to treat female complaints such as leucorrhea, heavy menstrual bleeding. It also helps to relive symptoms associated with burning sensation in palms and soles.

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Introducing Kamadugha Ras: Your Ayurvedic Support for Digestive Comfort and Gastric Health

Discover the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda with Kamadugha Ras, a revered herbal remedy crafted to promote digestive wellness and alleviate symptoms of gastric discomfort. Formulated with a blend of natural ingredients, including soothing herbs and minerals, Kamadugha Ras offers gentle yet effective relief from acidity, heartburn, and indigestion.

Key Features:

  1. Alleviates Gastric Discomfort: Experience relief from acidity, heartburn, and indigestion with Kamadugha Ras. This unique blend of herbs, including kamdudha, shankha bhasma, and giloy, helps neutralize excess stomach acid, soothe inflamed gastric tissues, and alleviate discomfort after meals.
  2. Supports Digestive Function: Maintain optimal digestive health with Kamadugha Ras. Ingredients like shankha bhasma and triphala help stimulate digestion, improve nutrient absorption, and regulate bowel movements, promoting overall digestive comfort and regularity.
  3. Cools the Digestive Tract: Calm inflammation and heat in the digestive tract with Kamadugha Ras. The cooling properties of herbs like kamdudha and mukta bhasma help reduce inflammation and irritation in the stomach and intestines, promoting healing and soothing gastric tissues.
  4. Promotes Gastric Healing: Support gastric healing and mucosal integrity with Kamadugha Ras. Ingredients like shankha bhasma and giloy help protect the stomach lining, reduce the risk of ulcer formation, and promote overall gastric health and wellness.
  5. Balances Pitta Dosha: Restore balance to the body’s vital energies with Kamadugha Ras. By pacifying excess pitta dosha, the primary cause of gastric imbalances according to Ayurveda, this formula helps harmonize the body and promote overall well-being.
  6. Natural and Safe: Harness the healing power of nature without the worry of harmful side effects. Kamadugha Ras is crafted from pure, natural ingredients and undergoes rigorous quality control measures to ensure purity, potency, and safety, making it suitable for long-term use without dependency concerns.

Experience the transformative benefits of Kamadugha Ras and rediscover the joy of digestive comfort and well-being. Whether you’re dealing with acidity or seeking to maintain gastric health, let this trusted Ayurvedic remedy be your natural solution for digestive support and relief.


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